
Content with integrity

At Sportskeeda, we have a carefully curated set of editorial guidelines that ensure we produce accurate and unbiased content at all times. Our editorial team works with our journalists and researchers in a system where there are defined layers of checks and balances at every stage. This ensures that all information passes through multiple sets of eyes, and that readers get the best of the sports and entertainment world in an unbiased and unadulterated form.

Sportskeeda’s journalists are the life-blood of the organization

Sportskeeda has experienced journalists spread across the globe who bring forth accurate and timely stories about the sports, games and events that matter. Our journalists work closely with the editorial team at all times. Every single story angle, headline and source is approved by the editorial team, and the final output is carefully reviewed before being published on the website.

Our Editorial Process

All content at Sportskeeda is created through a fixed chain of operations, with editorial supervision being a prominent feature of the entire process.
The journalist ascertains the authenticity of a news story before pitching it to the editorial team for approval.
An editor does a thorough fact-check and clean-up and publishes the story if it meets Sportskeeda’s editorial standards.
In case changes are required in the story, the editor sends it back to the journalist. The revised story is then reviewed by a second editor before publishing.
A team of senior editors, called the Content Improvement Team, conducts regular audits across all sections to iron out any errors and improve the overall quality of content.
All user feedback about Sportskeeda’s content is taken very seriously, and acted upon promptly. Users can give their feedback on specific articles or on this email address:
Musab Abid Managing Editor

A Message From our Managing Editor

What does news need to be? It needs to be quick, it needs to be reliable, it needs to be accurate, and it needs to be easily accessible. And we at Sportskeeda do everything in our power to ensure that all of our content fulfills those 4 requirements to the letter. Our foremost objective is to disseminate information in its purest as well as its most engaging form. We give our readers all the sports content they are looking for, whether it is a technical dissemination of a player’s on-field performance or any kind of relevant off-field news. Sportskeeda has a vast array of reputed journalists who bring forth breaking news as well as hard-hitting interviews on a daily basis. They always have their foot on the pedal, whether it is in covering blockbuster sporting contests, giving real-time updates on delicate sporting controversies, or uncovering the truth of underprivileged athletic talents. Nothing escapes our team of experienced and industrious reporters, who do everything in their power to educate and entertain their audience on all things sports. We are meticulous about our news sources, and we strive to give our readers the truth and nothing but the truth. Our journalists are bloodhounds when it comes to digging up interesting stories and also sticklers for credibility; we firmly believe there can be no compromise on accuracy. We also take pains to ensure that our content is free of any kind of prejudice, whether it is political, racial, sexual or religious. Of course, one of our mission statements at the start of our journey was to report on the lesser known aspects of the sporting world, and we remain committed to that too. Bringing to light the untold stories of struggling young athletes is always one of the focus areas for our journalists, and the fact that we have diversified into different streams and types of content will not change that.
Musab Abid Managing Editor

Meet our senior editorial team

Joseph Schiefelbein image
Joseph Schiefelbein
Senior Editor US Sports
Joseph has more than three decades of experience as a sports editor and writer. As the executive sports editor of The Advocate, he led the expansion into New Orleans and Lafayette while improving content in print and online to win multiple national APSE awards every year. He has directed coverage for Super Bowls, NFL playoffs, College World Series, NBA All-Star Games, NBA playoffs, bowl games, BCS national championship games, Final Fours and HBCU sports. He’s also been a voter for the Heisman Trophy, the AP men’s basketball poll, the Naismith Award and the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame.
John Maxwell image
John Maxwell
Senior Editor US Sports
John is a published writer with a passion for sports and all things historical. After growing up in Essex, England, he studied classics at Reading University and later graduated in psychology. A huge fan of Tottenham and Colchester United in football, John discovered US sports a little later in life and has been a staunch supporter of all Pittsburgh teams - the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates - for the last decade.
Stephanie Samuel image
Stephanie Samuel
Senior Editor Combat Sports
An industry veteran for almost 30 years, Stephanie has covered a variety of sports - from WWE and MMA to football, cricket, tennis and golf. She spent 10 years working with and ghost writing columns for legends like Allan Border, Boris Becker, Ossie Ardiles, Prakash Padukone, and Zafar Iqbal, to name a few. When not dissecting the latest RAW or SmackDown, she can be found baking and reading, or trying to get some much-needed sleep!
Arvind Sriram image
Arvind Sriram
Senior Editor US Sports
A writer and editor with close to a decade's experience, Arvind's work has been published on Sky Sports, the BBC, the Guardian and other leading websites. He has attended multiple tennis Grand Slams and provided coverage for Super Bowls and the NBA playoffs. As a lifelong fan of Arsenal and the Indianapolis Colts, he has mastered the art of managing expectations and can convince anyone that finishing fourth is a moral victory. When not armchair quarterbacking, Arvind spends his time playing blitz chess online, watching air crash documentaries and smashing controllers after his latest Weekend League defeat.
Sandeep Banerjee image
Sandeep Banerjee
Senior Editor Esports and Gaming
Sandeep has covered sports news and live events for various websites, including ESPNStar and Tokyo 2020 for the Olympic Channel. Sandeep’s passion for gaming and technology was born when he got his Little Master TV game system back in 1993, and understanding the gamer's mindset is something that he prides himself on. In his spare time, Sandeep enjoys spending time with his family, firing up his gaming rig, or checking another movie or web series off his (alarmingly long) watchlist.
Rhythm Bhatia image
Rhythm Bhatia
Senior Editor
Rhythm has over four years of editorial and editorial management experience across the pop culture and motorsports verticals. An avid follower of F1, tennis and American pop culture, they pride themselves on their ability to transform information into objective, insightful and valuable content for the everyday reader. When not tackling editorial crises, they are often found immersing themselves in books and classical dance.
Shardul Sant image
Shardul Sant
Senior Editor Football
A full-time post graduate in Marketing, Shardul has 4 years experience in the publishing industry, and 10 years working for multinationals such as Standard Chartered Bank and American Express. Shardul’s love for football started more than two decades ago, watching Manchester United dominate the Premier League in the 2000s. He is also extremely fond of analytics and loves predicting match results based on statistics.

Report a story/error to us

We fully trust our editorial process, but we also welcome feedback and respect differences of opinion. If you have any comments or complaints about any story, image, video or social media post, please communicate it to us through the channels given below.
OR Contact the Managing Editor
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